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Nebrodini Bianco

Nebrodini Bianco™

We are the only farm in America growing this variety. A relative of the Trumpet Royale, Nebrodini Bianco is a large firm mushroom with a beautiful vase shape and a color ranging from ivory to glistening white. Individual mushrooms range from 3 to 4 inches tall and can weigh up to 2 ½ ounces. The flavor is sweet and rich. The texture is unlike any cultivated mushroom you've tasted before. Imagine the most tender abalone! Very versatile - at home both in green curry with coconut or with tomato, olive and capers.

Not currently available.



Like Trumpet Royale, this is a Pleurotus variety, the family of oyster mushrooms. In Sicily where it grows wild, it is sometime called a "grilling oyster."

Try it halved or slab cut, brush with olive oil and grill, then finish with lemon, garlic and thyme.